The A-33 can transmit on up to two MIDI channels (Upper and/or Lower). The KBD MODE buttons are used to choose the active zones. Use the following procedure to set the MIDI channel for each zone:
1. Press EDIT (under MODE) so it is lit.
2. Press UPPER (under SELECT) so it is lit.
3. Press MIDI/PARAM so it is lit.
4. Type the desired MIDI channel for the upper zone using the buttons num bered 1 thru 0 (for example, 1 then 5 for 15).
5. Press ENTER.
6. Press LOWER (under SELECT) so it is lit.
7. Press MIDI/PARAM so it is lit.
8. Type the desired MIDI channel for the lower zone using the buttons numbered 1 thru 0 (for example, 1 then 5 for 15).
9. Press ENTER.
Note: The LOWER and UPPER zones can not be set to the same MIDI channel. The UPPER zone for most preset patches is assigned to MIDI channel 1 and LOWER zone is assigned to MIDI channel 2. The MIDI/PARAM button will flash if the same channel is chosen for each ZONE.