Use the following procedure to select a sound in a MIDI sound module from the A-37:
1. Locate the PRG CHG button beneath EDIT. If the button is lit, press it so its not lit.
2. Locatebut dont yet pressthe PRG CHG button beneath PATCH/PARAMETER.
3. Press the PRG CHG button beneath EDIT so its lit, and immediately press PRG CH beneath PATCH/PARAMETERPc briefly flashes in the display.
4. Press the KEYBOARD MODE LOWER or UPPER button to select the desired zone.
5. Use the buttons numbered 0-9, followed by ENTER to select the desired program change number. For example, to select 114, press 1, 1, and 4, followed by ENTER.
Note: The A-37 defaults to General MIDI settings. If you have a GM-compatible sound module, the A-37 calls up sounds as soon as you power it up.