There are 128 Patches on the GP-8. These Patches can be customized to your
liking by using the edit mode. Use the following procedure to write an edited
Patch into the GP-8s internal memory:
To write the new Patch to the current Patch location:
1) Press EDIT.
2) Press WRITE.
To write the edited Patch to a different Patch location:
1) Press EDIT.
2) Press COPY and "DESTINATION / GP-? BK-? NB-?" will be displayed.
3) Use the GROUP, BANK, and NUMBER buttons to select the desired Patch
4) Press WRITE.
liking by using the edit mode. Use the following procedure to write an edited
Patch into the GP-8s internal memory:
To write the new Patch to the current Patch location:
1) Press EDIT.
2) Press WRITE.
To write the edited Patch to a different Patch location:
1) Press EDIT.
2) Press COPY and "DESTINATION / GP-? BK-? NB-?" will be displayed.
3) Use the GROUP, BANK, and NUMBER buttons to select the desired Patch
4) Press WRITE.