The VS-880/880EX/890 provides four banks of locator points. Each locator bank holds a total of eight locators. Use the following procedure to change locator banks in the VS-880/880EX/890:
1. Press and hold LOCATOR under the EDIT CONDITION section of the mixer. The current Locator Bank will be displayed: "Locate Bank= 1" etc. The LOC1/5 - LOC4/8 indicator which corresponds to the current bank number will blink.
2. While continuing to hold down LOCATOR, press the LOC1/5, LOC2/6, LOC3/7 or LOC4/8 to change to the desired locator bank number.
3. Release LOCATOR.
1. Press and hold LOCATOR under the EDIT CONDITION section of the mixer. The current Locator Bank will be displayed: "Locate Bank= 1" etc. The LOC1/5 - LOC4/8 indicator which corresponds to the current bank number will blink.
2. While continuing to hold down LOCATOR, press the LOC1/5, LOC2/6, LOC3/7 or LOC4/8 to change to the desired locator bank number.
3. Release LOCATOR.