Track Erase allows you to erase a specific portion of a recording. Even if recorded data exists after the erased portion, it will not be moved forward to fill the gap left by the erased portion of the track.
Like a normal tape recorder, erasing can be considered covering unwanted data by recording blank space.
1. Press UTILITY.
2. Use CURSOR to select the TRACK icon, and press ENTER.
3. Use CURSOR to select the ERASE icon, and press ENTER.
The Track Erase screen appears, allowing you to select the track/V-track from which recorded data will be erased.
4. Use CURSOR and the TIME/VALUE dial to select the track/V-track containing the data to be erased.
5. If there are other tracks from which you wish to erase data using the same settings (range), press CURSOR LEFT several times to move the cursor to the "1." under "UTIL" and rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
Specify the additional tracks that you wish to erase. If you decide to cancel the Track Erase operation for any track, rotate the TIME/VALUE dial to the left and select ?.
The Track Erase operation will not be performed for lines that contain even one ?.
By using the TIME/VALUE dial to select *, you can specify that the operation apply to all tracks or all V-tracks.
If you want the operation to apply to all V-tracks of all tracks, select *-*.
6. Specify the range that will be erased.
Use CURSOR to move the cursor to LOC and press ENTER, and the Track Erase (MEAS) screen appears.
At this time, you can select DISP and press ENTER to switch between ways to specify the location (measures, time, markers).
Set the following items.
START (start point): Specify the beginning of the recorded data that you wish to erase.
END (end point): Specify the end of the recorded data that you wish to erase.
If you wish to erase from the beginning to the end of the song, select the ALL icon and press ENTER.
7. When you have finished making settings, use CURSOR to move the cursor to the GO, and press ENTER.
The data will be erased.
8. Press EXIT several times to return to the top screen.
Like a normal tape recorder, erasing can be considered covering unwanted data by recording blank space.
1. Press UTILITY.
2. Use CURSOR to select the TRACK icon, and press ENTER.
3. Use CURSOR to select the ERASE icon, and press ENTER.
The Track Erase screen appears, allowing you to select the track/V-track from which recorded data will be erased.
4. Use CURSOR and the TIME/VALUE dial to select the track/V-track containing the data to be erased.
5. If there are other tracks from which you wish to erase data using the same settings (range), press CURSOR LEFT several times to move the cursor to the "1." under "UTIL" and rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.
Specify the additional tracks that you wish to erase. If you decide to cancel the Track Erase operation for any track, rotate the TIME/VALUE dial to the left and select ?.
The Track Erase operation will not be performed for lines that contain even one ?.
By using the TIME/VALUE dial to select *, you can specify that the operation apply to all tracks or all V-tracks.
If you want the operation to apply to all V-tracks of all tracks, select *-*.
6. Specify the range that will be erased.
Use CURSOR to move the cursor to LOC and press ENTER, and the Track Erase (MEAS) screen appears.
At this time, you can select DISP and press ENTER to switch between ways to specify the location (measures, time, markers).
Set the following items.
START (start point): Specify the beginning of the recorded data that you wish to erase.
END (end point): Specify the end of the recorded data that you wish to erase.
If you wish to erase from the beginning to the end of the song, select the ALL icon and press ENTER.
7. When you have finished making settings, use CURSOR to move the cursor to the GO, and press ENTER.
The data will be erased.
8. Press EXIT several times to return to the top screen.