The Operation Target setting in the VS-2000CD determines whether the Mouse is active on the internal LCD screen, or the optional external VGA Monitor. The following procedure is the shortcut to toggle the Mouse between the LCD and the VGA.
1. Press and hold the HOME button, and press F6.
Note: If the Mouse is active on the internal LCD screen, a message will appear on the LCD, "Operation Target was changed to VGA".
If the Mouse is active on the external VGA Monitor, a message will appear on the VGA, "Operation Target was changed to LCD".
1. Press and hold the HOME button, and press F6.
Note: If the Mouse is active on the internal LCD screen, a message will appear on the LCD, "Operation Target was changed to VGA".
If the Mouse is active on the external VGA Monitor, a message will appear on the VGA, "Operation Target was changed to LCD".