The following is a list of available footswitch control functions that can be chosen in the DR-670:
-Start / Stop (Starts/Stops the pattern or song.)
-Fill (activates a fill pattern).
-Reset (resets the pattern or song to the beginning).
-Rec (activates the record function).
-Chase (increments to the next pattern or song).
-PAD 1-16 (triggers the current instrument assigned to the pad, or if DPP mode is selected, triggers the current pattern assigned to the pad).
-PAD E,A,D,G (triggers the bass note assigned to the pad).
-Start / Stop (Starts/Stops the pattern or song.)
-Fill (activates a fill pattern).
-Reset (resets the pattern or song to the beginning).
-Rec (activates the record function).
-Chase (increments to the next pattern or song).
-PAD 1-16 (triggers the current instrument assigned to the pad, or if DPP mode is selected, triggers the current pattern assigned to the pad).
-PAD E,A,D,G (triggers the bass note assigned to the pad).