Using SONG COPY will create a duplicate of your song on the hard drive. This can be usfull if you plan to do any editing that may be risky and you want to have a backup in case things accidently get messed up. Or if you want to have a different type of mix of your song store on the Hard Drive.
1- Press the UTILITY button.
2- Cursor so the screen shows "UTIL:SONG" and press ENTER.
3- Cursor so the screen shows "UTIL:SONG:COPY" and press ENTER.
4- Cursor to highlight the song you wish to COPY.
5- Press ENTER/YES.
6- Press ENTER/YES to respond to SURE?
The copy of the song will be the last on the list when you go to SONG SELECT. You may want to change the name to keep things organized using SONG NAME.