If you'd like to redo the RMP-3's settings from scratch,
use the following procedure to clear the RMP-3s
internal memory and reload its factory settings:
All USER settings will be lost when performing the reset.
1. Turn off the RMP-3.
2. Power on while holding the START/STOP button - "rSt" appears in the display.
3. Release START/STOP, and press START/STOP again.
The procedure is complete when the RMP-3 returns to metronome mode.
use the following procedure to clear the RMP-3s
internal memory and reload its factory settings:
All USER settings will be lost when performing the reset.
1. Turn off the RMP-3.
2. Power on while holding the START/STOP button - "rSt" appears in the display.
3. Release START/STOP, and press START/STOP again.
The procedure is complete when the RMP-3 returns to metronome mode.