Use the following procedure to layer RD-300NX sounds.
1. Press DUAL so it lights.
2. Press LAYER EDIT so it lights to display the tones currently assigned to the two layers, UP1 and UP 2 (“Upper 1” and “Upper 2,” respectively).
Tip: You can use the arrow buttons to highlight “UP1” or “UP2,” and then use the DEC/INC buttons to assign different tones to the layers. In PIANO and E. PIANO sounds, alternate piano or electric piano tones, respectively, can be selected for UP1.
1. Press DUAL so it lights.
2. Press LAYER EDIT so it lights to display the tones currently assigned to the two layers, UP1 and UP 2 (“Upper 1” and “Upper 2,” respectively).
Tip: You can use the arrow buttons to highlight “UP1” or “UP2,” and then use the DEC/INC buttons to assign different tones to the layers. In PIANO and E. PIANO sounds, alternate piano or electric piano tones, respectively, can be selected for UP1.