Use the following procedure to assign a new Instrument and MIDI note number to
a pad:
1) Use PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select the Patch (1-99) for which you wish to
make settings.
2) Press EDIT to enter the Edit mode.
3) Strike the pad you wish to edit.
4) Press SELECT so the "SOUND" parameter group LED is lit.
5) Use the PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select the desired Instrument.
6) Press SELECT so the "MIDI" parameter group LED is lit.
7) Use the UP and DOWN CURSORS to select "NOTE #."
8) Use the PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select a MIDI note number (0-127).
9) If you wish to make settings for other pads, repeat steps #3 through #8.
10) Press EDIT to return to the Play mode.
a pad:
1) Use PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select the Patch (1-99) for which you wish to
make settings.
2) Press EDIT to enter the Edit mode.
3) Strike the pad you wish to edit.
4) Press SELECT so the "SOUND" parameter group LED is lit.
5) Use the PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select the desired Instrument.
6) Press SELECT so the "MIDI" parameter group LED is lit.
7) Use the UP and DOWN CURSORS to select "NOTE #."
8) Use the PATCH/VALUE CURSORS to select a MIDI note number (0-127).
9) If you wish to make settings for other pads, repeat steps #3 through #8.
10) Press EDIT to return to the Play mode.