In the PATCH COMMON Parameters, each Tone within the Patch can have its own Key
Range assignment. In other words, you can create a split by assigning some
Tones to the bottom of the key range and others on the top half of the key
range. Use the following procedure:
1) Press COMMON (in the Edit section).
2) Use the PAGE UP/DOWN buttons to select "Range A."
3) CURSOR to "L" and use the VALUE slider to select the desired low range (the
lowest key this Tone will play).
4) CURSOR to "H" and use the VALUE slider to select the desired high range
(the highest key this Tone will play).
5) To select Tone ranges for any remaining Tones, select the appropriate range
(B, C, or D) as in step #2 and continue with steps 3 and 4.
Range assignment. In other words, you can create a split by assigning some
Tones to the bottom of the key range and others on the top half of the key
range. Use the following procedure:
1) Press COMMON (in the Edit section).
2) Use the PAGE UP/DOWN buttons to select "Range A."
3) CURSOR to "L" and use the VALUE slider to select the desired low range (the
lowest key this Tone will play).
4) CURSOR to "H" and use the VALUE slider to select the desired high range
(the highest key this Tone will play).
5) To select Tone ranges for any remaining Tones, select the appropriate range
(B, C, or D) as in step #2 and continue with steps 3 and 4.