The following procedure can be used to clear the internal memory and reload the
factory settings:
(CAUTION: All USER information will be lost. Be sure to back up any information
you wish to keep.)
The EM-2000 does not have a "hard reset" function to load the factory settings.
User Program Sets, MIDI Sets and Custom Sets need to be loaded from the EM-2000
factory ZIP disk to restore factory default settings. Use the following
procedure to restore the original factory data from the factory ZIP Disk:
Use the following procedure to prepare the EM-2000 for loading the factory ZIP
disk files:
1) Turn the unit off.
2) Insert the factory ZIP Disk into the drive.
3) Turn the unit on.
Now select the desired factory sets:
To Load User Program Sets:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press F1 [Load.]
3) Press PAGE ^ / v to select "USR PRG."
4) Press UPPER 1[Execute] to load the User Program data.
5) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.
To Load MIDI sets:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press F1 [Load.]
3) Press PAGE ^ / v to select "MIDI Set."
4) Press UPPER 1[Execute] to load the MIDI Set data.
5) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.
To Load Custom Sets to the Custom memories:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press SHIFT and F3 [Utility.]
3) Press F1[CstLd.]
4) Turn the ACCOMP/GROUP knob to select Custom Set "US-STL01."
5) Press UPPER 1 [LOAD] to load this Custom Set.
6) Press LOWER 1 to confirm the loading procedure.
7) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.
factory settings:
(CAUTION: All USER information will be lost. Be sure to back up any information
you wish to keep.)
The EM-2000 does not have a "hard reset" function to load the factory settings.
User Program Sets, MIDI Sets and Custom Sets need to be loaded from the EM-2000
factory ZIP disk to restore factory default settings. Use the following
procedure to restore the original factory data from the factory ZIP Disk:
Use the following procedure to prepare the EM-2000 for loading the factory ZIP
disk files:
1) Turn the unit off.
2) Insert the factory ZIP Disk into the drive.
3) Turn the unit on.
Now select the desired factory sets:
To Load User Program Sets:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press F1 [Load.]
3) Press PAGE ^ / v to select "USR PRG."
4) Press UPPER 1[Execute] to load the User Program data.
5) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.
To Load MIDI sets:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press F1 [Load.]
3) Press PAGE ^ / v to select "MIDI Set."
4) Press UPPER 1[Execute] to load the MIDI Set data.
5) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.
To Load Custom Sets to the Custom memories:
1) Press F5 [Disk.]
2) Press SHIFT and F3 [Utility.]
3) Press F1[CstLd.]
4) Turn the ACCOMP/GROUP knob to select Custom Set "US-STL01."
5) Press UPPER 1 [LOAD] to load this Custom Set.
6) Press LOWER 1 to confirm the loading procedure.
7) Press F5 [Exit] to return to the Master page.