The VM-3100 has two mono compressors. Use the following procedure to select a
compressor and adjust the settings:
1) Hold SHIFT and press COMP 1 or COMP 2 so it is lit.
2) Use the value knobs [V1] - [V4] to adjust the compressor settings.
NOTE: The following settings can be adjusted with the value knobs:
V1 - Threshold Level
V2 - Attack Time
V3 - Release Time
V4 - Ratio
compressor and adjust the settings:
1) Hold SHIFT and press COMP 1 or COMP 2 so it is lit.
2) Use the value knobs [V1] - [V4] to adjust the compressor settings.
NOTE: The following settings can be adjusted with the value knobs:
V1 - Threshold Level
V2 - Attack Time
V3 - Release Time
V4 - Ratio