The following procedure can be used to clear the internal memory and reload the
factory settings:
(CAUTION: All USER information will be lost. Be sure to back up any information
you wish to keep.)
1) Hold down F1, F3 and F5 while powering up.
2) Press F4 [Patches] (to restore only factory patches), F2 [System] (to
restore only factory system parameters,) or F6 [All] (to restore all factory
factory settings:
(CAUTION: All USER information will be lost. Be sure to back up any information
you wish to keep.)
1) Hold down F1, F3 and F5 while powering up.
2) Press F4 [Patches] (to restore only factory patches), F2 [System] (to
restore only factory system parameters,) or F6 [All] (to restore all factory