The VR-760 comes with a variety of pre-set organ, piano and synth combinations that are stored in registrations. Registrations are stored in banks, each of which holds eight registrations. There are eight banks, numbered from 1-8.
To select a registration bank:
1. While holding the BANK button, press the number button for the desired bank and then release both buttons.
To use a registration from the selected bank:
1. Press the desired registration's number button.
There are 64 registration memories in which can store your own favorite settings. To save settings as a registration in the current registration bank:
1. Press WRITE.
2. Press the desired REGISTRATION number button to finish storing the registration.
To select a registration bank:
1. While holding the BANK button, press the number button for the desired bank and then release both buttons.
To use a registration from the selected bank:
1. Press the desired registration's number button.
There are 64 registration memories in which can store your own favorite settings. To save settings as a registration in the current registration bank:
1. Press WRITE.
2. Press the desired REGISTRATION number button to finish storing the registration.