Follow these steps to create a split between Parts 1 and 2:
- Press LAYER/SPLIT so it's lit.
- Turn the VALUE dial to select PRST: 01 Seq: Template.
- Use CURSOR buttons and the VALUE dial to place a checkmark next to Parts 1 and 2.
- Press F2 (Part View).
- Turn the VALUE dial to select PR-B 104 Warm Strings as the patch for Part 2.
- Press CURSOR UP to highlight Part 1.
- Turn the VALUE dial to select PR-A 003 Warm Piano.
- Press LAYER/SPLIT again.
- Press F3 (Key Range).
- Use the CURSOR buttons to select PART 1.
- Use the CURSOR buttons and VALUE dial to change the Lower value to C4.
- Press the CURSOR down button to select PART 2.
- Use the CURSOR buttons and VALUE dial to change the Upper value to B3.
- Play the keyboard to hear the newly created split between PR-B 104 Warm Strings on the left and PR-A 003 Warm Piano on the right.