If you have mixed your Project in the Mastering Room with the CDR mode switch on, and now you want to "Master" it with an MTK (Mastering Tool Kit) effect, you must import the mix tracks into a CDR Mode Project. A CDR Mode mix can only be played back from the Mastering Room. If you try to move or exchange the mix tracks with any other channels, they will not play back. Tracks cannot share recording modes. Most likely, your individual performance tracks are in MTP Mode and now your mix tracks are in CDR Mode. The work around is easy. Create a new project in CDR Mode and import the mix tracks.
1. Click on PROJECT.
2. Click NEW.
3. Click on 44.1k for the Sample Rate and CDR for the
recording mode.
4. Click F5, OK. "Create New Project, Sure ?" appears
in the display.
5. Click ENTER/YES. "STORE Current ?" appears.
6. Click ENTER/YES. The New Project is created.
7. Click on TRACK.
8. Click on TRACK IMPORT. The Source Project screen will
9. Click on the the Project you wish to Import the mix
tracks from.
10. Click F5, SELECT.
11. Left click and hold on the scroll down arrow to select
the left channel of your mix in the SOURCE Project
box.(Most commonly 23-v.trk 16)
12. Left click and hold on the scroll down arrow to select
the track in the DESTINATION box of the new project.
The default selection is 1-1.
13. Click F5, OK to start the Import.
Note: The right channel of the mix will Import to track 2-1
even though you only see the left channel in the source and destination track boxes.
You can now play your original mix back into the Mastering Room and insert the MTK (Mastering Tool Kit) effect. The default master tracks in a CDR Mode Project are 15/16-16.
1. Click on PROJECT.
2. Click NEW.
3. Click on 44.1k for the Sample Rate and CDR for the
recording mode.
4. Click F5, OK. "Create New Project, Sure ?" appears
in the display.
5. Click ENTER/YES. "STORE Current ?" appears.
6. Click ENTER/YES. The New Project is created.
7. Click on TRACK.
8. Click on TRACK IMPORT. The Source Project screen will
9. Click on the the Project you wish to Import the mix
tracks from.
10. Click F5, SELECT.
11. Left click and hold on the scroll down arrow to select
the left channel of your mix in the SOURCE Project
box.(Most commonly 23-v.trk 16)
12. Left click and hold on the scroll down arrow to select
the track in the DESTINATION box of the new project.
The default selection is 1-1.
13. Click F5, OK to start the Import.
Note: The right channel of the mix will Import to track 2-1
even though you only see the left channel in the source and destination track boxes.
You can now play your original mix back into the Mastering Room and insert the MTK (Mastering Tool Kit) effect. The default master tracks in a CDR Mode Project are 15/16-16.