Use the following procedure to select and playback various rhythm patterns in the BR-864:
1. Make sure playback of the song is stopped, then press [ARRANGE/PATTERN/OFF] repeatedly until the indicator is flashing.
2. Select a pattern. Use CURSOR < or > and the TIME/VALUE dial to select the Preset/Song and number.
P001P327: Preset patterns 1327
S001S100: Song patterns 1100
3. Move the RHYTHM GUIDE fader about two thirds of the way up.
4. Press [PLAY]. The selected pattern is performed. No sound plays if BREAK is selected for the pattern.
1. Make sure playback of the song is stopped, then press [ARRANGE/PATTERN/OFF] repeatedly until the indicator is flashing.
2. Select a pattern. Use CURSOR < or > and the TIME/VALUE dial to select the Preset/Song and number.
P001P327: Preset patterns 1327
S001S100: Song patterns 1100
3. Move the RHYTHM GUIDE fader about two thirds of the way up.
4. Press [PLAY]. The selected pattern is performed. No sound plays if BREAK is selected for the pattern.