You select the RD-700NX's best piano and electric piano sounds using the PIANO and E. PIANO buttons. Here's how to change the Upper 2, Lower 1, and Lower 2 tones in these sounds.
Note: We explain how to change tones in the RD-700NX's standard live sets in Knowledge Base Article 105300.
1. Press CONCERT so it lights.
2. Press LAYER EDIT so it lights.
3. Press the down arrow button to highlight "up2."
4. Press the flashing UPPER 2 button in the LAYER SWITCH/CONTROL section so it lights.
5. Press a LIVE SET button to select a new tone category.
6. Use the INC/DEC buttons or turn the dial to select a tone in the currently selected category.
Note: You can use the above steps to change the Lower 1 and 2 tones as well.
Note: We explain how to change tones in the RD-700NX's standard live sets in Knowledge Base Article 105300.
1. Press CONCERT so it lights.
2. Press LAYER EDIT so it lights.
3. Press the down arrow button to highlight "up2."
4. Press the flashing UPPER 2 button in the LAYER SWITCH/CONTROL section so it lights.
5. Press a LIVE SET button to select a new tone category.
6. Use the INC/DEC buttons or turn the dial to select a tone in the currently selected category.
Note: You can use the above steps to change the Lower 1 and 2 tones as well.