The G-1000 has a Melody Intelligence function for adding a harmony to the solo
being played by the Upper 1 part. This harmony will be based on the chords
being played in the Arranger section of the keyboard. Use the following
procedure to select the Melody Intelligence Type:
1) From the MASTER page, press F2 [Param].
2) Press F3 [Cntrl].
3) Use the PAGE [^ / v] buttons to select the second Control page.
4) Use the LOWER NUMBER [MELODY INTELL] knob to select the Melody
Intelligence Type.
5) Press F5 [Exit].
being played by the Upper 1 part. This harmony will be based on the chords
being played in the Arranger section of the keyboard. Use the following
procedure to select the Melody Intelligence Type:
1) From the MASTER page, press F2 [Param].
2) Press F3 [Cntrl].
3) Use the PAGE [^ / v] buttons to select the second Control page.
4) Use the LOWER NUMBER [MELODY INTELL] knob to select the Melody
Intelligence Type.
5) Press F5 [Exit].