You can use the three VARIATION buttons to add variety to the performance, even with the same Style. Use the following procedure to try it out:
1. With the performance stopped, press MANU so it is lit.
2. Turn the VALUE dial to select a preset style.
3. Press INTRO/START to start the performance from the beginning.
4. Press PTN under the VARIATION section so it is lit. The variation for the current Pattern is played.
5. Press KIT under the VARIATION section so it is lit. The drum set and bass sounds will change.
6. Press MUTE under the VARIATION section so its lit. Parts of the pattern will be muted.
7. Press ENDING/STOPat the end of the current pattern, the Ending pattern plays and playback stops.
1. With the performance stopped, press MANU so it is lit.
2. Turn the VALUE dial to select a preset style.
3. Press INTRO/START to start the performance from the beginning.
4. Press PTN under the VARIATION section so it is lit. The variation for the current Pattern is played.
5. Press KIT under the VARIATION section so it is lit. The drum set and bass sounds will change.
6. Press MUTE under the VARIATION section so its lit. Parts of the pattern will be muted.
7. Press ENDING/STOPat the end of the current pattern, the Ending pattern plays and playback stops.