The first step in making a CD is to make sure that your song is mixed down to 2 tracks. In the VS-2400CD & VS-2480 the easiest way to do this is by using the Mastering Room.
Step 1.) Push the "CDRW Mastering" Button.
Step 2.) Choose "Mastering Room"
Step 3.) Turn Mastering Room to "On", and set Status to "Record". Notice also the field labeled "V-Track". It likely reads "23/24-16" This will tell you to what tracks and V-Tracks you mix is being recorded to. There is little reason to change it, but you need to be aware of it for later....
Step 4.) Make certain that all of the tracks you want included in the mix are set to play, and have their faders up.
Step 5.) Push "Record" and "Play"
Step 6.) After the song is done, push "Stop".
Step 7.) To listen to your mix, change the status of the Mastering Room from "Rec" to "Play".
Step 8.) Push "Play". You are now hearing your 2 Track Mix.
Step 1.) Push "CDRW Mastering" and choose, "CD-R Write". When asked to "Save Current?" Choose Yes.
Step 2.) In the CD Write window that pops up, you will see, on the left side, a couple of boxes labeled "L-CH Source Track" and "R-CH Source Track". These should be set to the same 2 tracks that you mixed down to in Step 3 above.
Step 3.) Write Method:
- If writing one song to a disc: set "Write Method" to "Disc at Once", and "Finalize" to "On"
- If writing multiple songs to a disc: set "Write Method" to "Track at Once", and "Finalize" to "Off"
Step 4.) Press F5 to begin burning your disc.
Step 5.)
- If writing one song to a disc: the disc will be automatically finalized and ready after burning has been completed.
- If writing multiple songs to a disc: leave the disc inside the VS recorder, load another song project (PROJECT --> SELECT) and then repeat all of the steps in this article again. When all songs have been burned to the disc, finalize the disc:
Finalizing a disc:
Note: Finalizing is not necessary if Disc at Once was used.
Step 1.) Push "CDRW Mastering" and choose, "CD-R Write". When asked to "Save Current?" Choose Yes.
Step 2.) Set "Write Method" to "Finalize" Only"
Step 4.) Press F5 to begin finalizing the disc. When completed, the disc is ready.