You can use Phrase Divide to "chop up" one long recorded Phrase on a track into separate Phrases that are easier to move around and edit. Phrase Divide accomplishes this by analyzing the phrase, then dividing the phrase where the volume of the recording falls below (or above) a level that you specify.
1. Press the [DISPLAY/HOME]button.
2. Use the [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons to select the track in the playlist that the Phrase that you want to divide is on.
3. Press and hold [SHIFT], then press the [ARROW/CURSOR]buttons to zoom in on the track until you can view 8 tracks at once. Use the [TIME/VALUE DIAL] to scroll to the Phrase that you want to divide.
4. Press [PHRASE/REGION] above the [UNDO] button so that it is lit green for PHRASE mode.
5. Press [TRACK] and use your [TIME/VALUE DIAL] to select DIVIDE. Press [ENTER/YES].
6. Press [F1] for Select Phrase.
7. By default, the Track that you chose in step #2 and the Phrase on that Track will be selected. Mark that Phrase by pressing [F3]. You can also select other Phrases on other Tracks that you want to divide by using the [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons to select the Track and [F3]-MARK to place a check mark in the box next to each.
NOTE : A Phrase will only appear in the list and be available to Mark if the Now Line is lying on that Phrase. If you can't see the Phrase lying across the vertical line in the Playlist window below the Phrase list, use your [TIME/VALUE DIAL]to locate to that place in your project.
8. Once you have Marked your Phrases, press [F1]Back.
9. Use your [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons and [TIME/VALUE DIAL]to enter your choices for IN/OUT Threshold and IN/OUT Margin.
IN THRESHOLD : A new Phrase will be created where the recorded material is louder than this level.
IN MARGIN : The VS will add the amount of time defined by this number to the beginning of the new Phrase so that it doesn't start to abruptly.
OUT THRESHOLD : The end of a new Phrase will be created when the level of the recorded material is below this level.
OUT MARGIN : The VS will add the amount of time defined by this number to the end of the new Phrase so that it doesn't end abruptly.
10. Press [F5]OK. A dialog box will say "Phrase Divide Sure? YES/NO"
11. Press [ENTER/YES]. Your original Phrase(s) will then be divided into a smaller individual Phrase(s).
1. Press the [DISPLAY/HOME]button.
2. Use the [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons to select the track in the playlist that the Phrase that you want to divide is on.
3. Press and hold [SHIFT], then press the [ARROW/CURSOR]buttons to zoom in on the track until you can view 8 tracks at once. Use the [TIME/VALUE DIAL] to scroll to the Phrase that you want to divide.
4. Press [PHRASE/REGION] above the [UNDO] button so that it is lit green for PHRASE mode.
5. Press [TRACK] and use your [TIME/VALUE DIAL] to select DIVIDE. Press [ENTER/YES].
6. Press [F1] for Select Phrase.
7. By default, the Track that you chose in step #2 and the Phrase on that Track will be selected. Mark that Phrase by pressing [F3]. You can also select other Phrases on other Tracks that you want to divide by using the [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons to select the Track and [F3]-MARK to place a check mark in the box next to each.
NOTE : A Phrase will only appear in the list and be available to Mark if the Now Line is lying on that Phrase. If you can't see the Phrase lying across the vertical line in the Playlist window below the Phrase list, use your [TIME/VALUE DIAL]to locate to that place in your project.
8. Once you have Marked your Phrases, press [F1]Back.
9. Use your [ARROW/CURSOR] buttons and [TIME/VALUE DIAL]to enter your choices for IN/OUT Threshold and IN/OUT Margin.
IN THRESHOLD : A new Phrase will be created where the recorded material is louder than this level.
IN MARGIN : The VS will add the amount of time defined by this number to the beginning of the new Phrase so that it doesn't start to abruptly.
OUT THRESHOLD : The end of a new Phrase will be created when the level of the recorded material is below this level.
OUT MARGIN : The VS will add the amount of time defined by this number to the end of the new Phrase so that it doesn't end abruptly.
10. Press [F5]OK. A dialog box will say "Phrase Divide Sure? YES/NO"
11. Press [ENTER/YES]. Your original Phrase(s) will then be divided into a smaller individual Phrase(s).