Creating a NEW SONG is like making a folder on the hard drive where all the tracks and settings for that song are stored.
- Press the UTILITY button.
- Cursor to SONG and press ENTER/YES.
- Cursor to NEW and press ENTER/YES.
- Select how you want to have the 16 audio tracks to be set up.
See TRACK TYPES below for explanation. - Press ENTER/YES to select the chosen the TRACK TYPE.
- Respond to STORE CURRENT with YES or NO depending on if you want to store what you were previously working on.
Depending on which TRACK TYPES you select, you always have the option to reassign the track types at anytime after the SONG is created.
To re-assign these tracks, press the TRACK TYPE SELECT button, then cursor to the tracks listed on the screen and change to AUDIO or an optional setting for either BASS, DRUM or LOOP PHRASE.
Note: Available TRACK TYPES to choose from when creating a NEW SONG:
All tracks from 1-16 are set up for AUDIO and you are not planning to use the DRUM TRACK, BASS TRACK or LOOP PHRASE features.
All tracks 1-14 are set up as AUDIO tracks, except for tracks 15/16, which are designated for playback of the DRUM TRACKS(AKA=Built-in drum machine).
TRacks 1-16, except for Tracks 13/14, are set up as AUDIO tracks. TRacks 13/14 are designated for the internal BASS patterns.
Tracks 1-16, except for Tracks 11/12 are set up as AUDIO tracks. Tracks 11/12 are for LOOP PHRASES, that you might load from a drum loop library using LOOP PHRASE IMPORT.
Track 13/14 are used for DRUM TRACKS, Tracks 15/16 are used for BASS PATTERNS, and the remaining tracks 1-12 are AUDIO tracks.
Tracks 11/12 are used for LOOP PHRASES, tracks 15/16 are used for DRUM TRACKS, and the remaining tracks 1-10 and 13/14 are AUDIO TRACKS.
Tracks 11/12 are used for LOOP PHRASES, tracks 13/14 are used for BASS PATTERNS, and the remaining tracks 1-10 and 15/16 are AUDIO TRACKS.
TRacks 11/12 are used for LOOP PHRASES, tracks 13/14 are used for BASS PATTERNS, and tracks 15/16 are used for DRUM TRACKS. The remaining tracks 1-10 are AUDIO TRACKS.