Equalization is the process of manipulating the frequency content of an audio signal in order to change its tonal quality. Ideally, EQ is used to give each instrument its own identity in the mix, or in the frequency range. For example, if we cut at 300Hz on the bass guitar to reduce some of the muddiness and give it some clarity, then we may want to boost the EQ at 300Hz on the electric guitar. This way we can focus on the sweet spots of the different instruments and reduce the extraneous material that distorts the clarity of the mix. When this concept is applied to the entire recording, the end result is a well blended mix where the individual instruments can be heard and understood.
In each of the CH EDIT screens, you can see the channels current EQ settings presented in graphic form, and can turn all of the channels EQ bands on or off with a single switch. As a default setting, the EQ in the channel is turned off. Theres an interactive display that shows you the settings of the four band of EQs. Each band is represented by a triangle. You can change a bands gain and frequency values on the interactive EQ display with your mouse by dragging its triangle.
A parametric equalizer is the most flexible type of sweepable EQ because it can freely change the cutoff frequency, or the bandwidth (Q). With this type of EQ the frequency range is separated into 4 different segments, or bands, of frequencies: Low, Low-Mid, Hi-Mid, High.
When adjusting the parametric EQ settings on the VS recorders, there is a gain and frequency setting for the Low and High frequency bands Theres an additional Q setting for the Low-Mid and Hi-Mid bands. The Q is the width of the area around the selected frequency that will be affected by the changes in gain. If there is a Q, Gain, and Freq setting, the EQ is called a fully parametric EQ.
A sweepable EQ is a great tool to have because its not always easy to find the desired frequency for a particular instrument, whether you want to cut or boost. Therefore, increasing the gain (+12 on the VS) in a band where you think the desired frequency might be, and then browsing through the frequencies (sweeping), will help you identify which one is the desired one. Once located, adjust the gain appropriately.
A graphic equalizer is primarily used for live mixing. Although the number of bands can vary, the graphic EQ in the VS recorder is typically a 10-band EQ. This particular EQ divides the frequency range (20Hz-20kHz) into ten different bands. Each of these bands has a cut/boost function for the respective frequencies.
This type of EQ is inserted at either end of the frequency range and tapers to a preset level then continues until the end of the audio spectrum. This is most commonly found on home stereo systems bass and treble controls.
High-pass (HPF)-
A high-pass filter allows a signals higher frequencies to be heard, or pass, while cutting its lower frequencies. All frequencies above the cutoff frequency will remain audible, while those below will be silenced.
Low-pass (LPF)-
A low-pass filter is just the opposite of a high-pass filter allowing the low-end frequencies to pass while cutting the higher frequencies above the cutoff.
Band-pass (BPF)-
A band-pass filter combines the effects of a high-pass filter with that of low-pass filter allowing only the frequencies in between to pass.
Band-eliminate (BEF)-
This filter is commonly called a notch filter. This type of filter boosts or cuts the selected frequency and a tapered range of frequencies above or below it.
Equalization is the process of manipulating the frequency content of an audio signal in order to change its tonal quality. Ideally, EQ is used to give each instrument its own identity in the mix, or in the frequency range. For example, if we cut at 300Hz on the bass guitar to reduce some of the muddiness and give it some clarity, then we may want to boost the EQ at 300Hz on the electric guitar. This way we can focus on the sweet spots of the different instruments and reduce the extraneous material that distorts the clarity of the mix. When this concept is applied to the entire recording, the end result is a well blended mix where the individual instruments can be heard and understood.
In each of the CH EDIT screens, you can see the channels current EQ settings presented in graphic form, and can turn all of the channels EQ bands on or off with a single switch. As a default setting, the EQ in the channel is turned off. Theres an interactive display that shows you the settings of the four band of EQs. Each band is represented by a triangle. You can change a bands gain and frequency values on the interactive EQ display with your mouse by dragging its triangle.
A parametric equalizer is the most flexible type of sweepable EQ because it can freely change the cutoff frequency, or the bandwidth (Q). With this type of EQ the frequency range is separated into 4 different segments, or bands, of frequencies: Low, Low-Mid, Hi-Mid, High.
When adjusting the parametric EQ settings on the VS recorders, there is a gain and frequency setting for the Low and High frequency bands Theres an additional Q setting for the Low-Mid and Hi-Mid bands. The Q is the width of the area around the selected frequency that will be affected by the changes in gain. If there is a Q, Gain, and Freq setting, the EQ is called a fully parametric EQ.
A sweepable EQ is a great tool to have because its not always easy to find the desired frequency for a particular instrument, whether you want to cut or boost. Therefore, increasing the gain (+12 on the VS) in a band where you think the desired frequency might be, and then browsing through the frequencies (sweeping), will help you identify which one is the desired one. Once located, adjust the gain appropriately.
A graphic equalizer is primarily used for live mixing. Although the number of bands can vary, the graphic EQ in the VS recorder is typically a 10-band EQ. This particular EQ divides the frequency range (20Hz-20kHz) into ten different bands. Each of these bands has a cut/boost function for the respective frequencies.
This type of EQ is inserted at either end of the frequency range and tapers to a preset level then continues until the end of the audio spectrum. This is most commonly found on home stereo systems bass and treble controls.
High-pass (HPF)-
A high-pass filter allows a signals higher frequencies to be heard, or pass, while cutting its lower frequencies. All frequencies above the cutoff frequency will remain audible, while those below will be silenced.
Low-pass (LPF)-
A low-pass filter is just the opposite of a high-pass filter allowing the low-end frequencies to pass while cutting the higher frequencies above the cutoff.
Band-pass (BPF)-
A band-pass filter combines the effects of a high-pass filter with that of low-pass filter allowing only the frequencies in between to pass.
Band-eliminate (BEF)-
This filter is commonly called a notch filter. This type of filter boosts or cuts the selected frequency and a tapered range of frequencies above or below it.