Pops, clicks and dropouts are often signs of a buffer size or sample rate issue.
There are generally two buffer settings within a computer audio system:
- The buffer setting in your audio interface (i.e. the QUAD-CAPTURE) adjusts the INTERFACE's access to the computer's RAM (buffer).
- The buffer setting in your recording software (e.g. Sonar, Pro Tools, Logic, etc) adjusts the SOFTWARE's access to the computer's RAM.
These two buffer settings are independent of each other; however, each affect the performance of your computer audio system.
Be sure to check the Audio Buffer Size setting within the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel if there are noise issues and/or dropouts. Increase the buffer size until the problem goes away. The following procedure will guide you through these steps:
- Select "Control Panel" from Windows' Start menu.
- Double-click on the QUAD-CAPTURE icon to open the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel
- In the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel, select "Driver Settings" from the Driver menu—the Audio Buffer Size window appears.
- Increase the Buffer Size and then click "Apply".
Mac OS X
- In the Applications folder, open the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel.
- Select "Driver Settings" from the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel menu—the Audio Buffer Size window appears.
- Increase the Buffer Size and then click "Apply".
Note: As each manufacturer's software differs from version to version, please refer to the software's current manual or online help for the proper buffer size adjustment procedures.
Be sure that the sample rate of the audio file that is being playing is identical to the sample rate setting of the audio software that you are using (e.g. Sonar, Logic, Pro Tools, etc). Sample rate mismatches can result is playback being faster or slower or can cause clicks and pops.