Use the following procedure to copy a Register from one Set into another Set:
1. First select the SET and REGISTER you wish to copy.
2. Press and HOLD the MENU/WRITE button to display the "WRITE" menu.
3. Rotate the DATA/ENTER knob to select the check box for "All Param."
4. Press the DATA/ENTER knob to highlight the check box for "All Param."
5. Rotate the DATA/ENTER knob to remove the check mark from the "All Param" check box and press the knob.
NOTE: You will notice that all the other check box check marks automatically disappeared as well.
6. Rotate the DATA/ENTER knob to select the word "ALL" to the right of "SET" and press the knob.
7. Rotate the DATA/ENTER knob to select the number for the new SET that you wish to copy your register into and press the knob.
8. Rotate the DATA/ENTER knob to select the check box for the REGISTER category that you wish to copy
NOTE: You can select from the following register categories:
- Treble
- Free Bass
- Orch
- Orch Bass
- Orch Chd
- Orch FBs
9. Press the DATA/ENTER knob to highlight the check box and turn the knob to place a check mark in the box.
10. Press the DATA/ENTER knob and rotate it to select "ALL" to the left of the check box.
11. Press the DATA/ENTER knob and rotate it to choose the register location that you want to copy the register into.
12. Press WRITE to finalize the copy function.