De-essing is a dynamic effect that can reduce or eliminate an abundance of sibilant consonants, such as "s", "z" and "sh" sounds, in recordings of the human voice. You can access the De-Esser function in the Limiter ("Lmt") portion of any "Vocal Multi" effect in the VS8F-2 Effect card installed on a VS recorder. The following steps will guide you through accessing the De-Esser function.
- Hold SHIFT and press F3(Effect A).
- Press F1(FX1).
- Press F2(Sel).
- Use the TIME/VALUE dial to select any Vocal Muliteffect ("VO"). For example, "P031 :[VO:Vocal FX]".
- Press F4(EXEC).
- Cursor to "Lmt" and then press ENTER.
- Cursor to "Mode" and then use the TIME/VALUE dial to change the mode to "De-esser".