If you have one recording file that you would like to separate into multiple files, you may use the R-09HR's Divide function to divide a file into two files (one file with just one recording and the second file with the remaining recordings). You can then perform the divide function again for the second file and repeat this process until you have all of the recordings separated/divided into individual files.
Note: The Divide function will require your R-09HR's operating version to be at Version 2 or later. Your R-09HR's current version will appear on the screen upon startup. You may download the R-05's latest version of operating system by clicking on the link below:
R-09HR Downloads
Additional Note: The R-09HR also contains a File Split function that will allow you to split a file, while recording, so that you will already have separated files in the end. You can split a file while recording by pressing the [SPLIT Button] on the remote control or by pressing the AB/SPLIT button on the R-09HR.
File Divide:
- Press the FINDER button.
- Select a song from the <Finder Screen>.
Use the [PLAY Button ▲] and [STOP Button ▼] to select a song, then press the [REC Button].
MEMO: To select a subfolder, select the folder then press the [NEXT button >]. To move up a level, press the [PREV button <]. - Select “Divide.”
Use the [PLAY Button ▲] and [STOP Button ▼] to select “Divide,” then press the [REC Button]. - Find the location at which you want to divide the song.
Using the [PLAY Button ], [STOP Button ], [PREV Button ▲], and [NEXT Button ▼] to fast-forward or
rewind, find the location at which you want to divide the song. When you’ve found the desired location, press the [REC Button]. - Press the [REC Button] to divide the song.
A confirmation screen is shown. Press the [REC Button] to divide the song.
If you decide to cancel the operation, press the [STOP Button ▼].
MEMO: Each of the divided songs are saved as new songs. As their name, the characters “-1” and “-2” will be appended to the original name of the source song. The source song will remain in its
original state. For example, if the source song was named R09_0001.WAV, the Divide operation would create new songs named R09_0001-1.WAV and R09_0001-2.WAV.