A SCSI to IDE bridge may be used to house a compatible VS-formatted IDE drive. This will enable the IDE drive to act as an external SCSI hard drive; the IBM Deskstar series was the recommended model during the VS-2480's time of production. The VS-2480 is compatible no larger than 120GB 3.5 inch IDE hard drives.
A compatible SCSI to IDE bridge was the Acard Technologies ARS-2000UB Bridge Smart. There was also a SCSI to SATA bridge by the Song Vault; however, both of these external drives are out of production and are no longer available. Your best option would be to look into the used market for a compatible SCSI to IDE bridge (e.g. eBay, Craig's List, etc). We no longer have resources for purchasable and/or compatible external SCSI to IDE bridges and we cannot guarantee compatibility with current bridges. You may also view the VS-Series Compatibility Guide at the link below. Note: this guide was written during the VS recorder's time of production and manufacturers may no longer have these products available or the specifications may have changed: VS Series Compatible Media Guide