When inserting the ARX editor into SONAR, you may receive the following three error messages:
ARX MIDI Port Error - "Cannot open ARX MIDI ports. Please ensure ARX is connected and that the MIDI ports are not selected in the host."
VST Plug-In Error - "The following VST plug-in failed to load: c:\program files\cakewalk\vstplugins\ARX\ARX.dll"
SONAR 8 Producer Edition - "Failed to insert soft synth. The synth may not be properly installed."
You will receive these error messages if you have enabled the ARX MIDI ports in SONAR's MIDI Devices menu. This is normal behavior as the ARX Editor requires that the ARX MIDI ports are not enabled by your host when inserting.
To resolve all three messages, do the following:
In SONAR X1 go to Edit > Preferences > MIDI > Devices
In SONAR 8.5 or earlier go to Options > MIDI Devices. .
Remove the check marks next to "ARX (VS-700)" under both Inputs and Outputs
Click Apply then OK