The following article will guide you through setting up the VS-20 to be used with Logic Pro X software.
Note: The V-STUDIO 20 driver for your operating system must be installed prior to performing the setup below. You may download and install the driver for your operating system here:
V-STUDIO 20 Downloads
Audio I/O Setup:
Select Logic Pro X in the menu bar and navigate to Preferences.
Click on “Audio...”
Under the Devices tab, set your Output Device and Input Device to “VS-20 44.1kHz”--if it is not already set.
Click “Apply Changes”.
Close the Preferences menu.
Note: The sample rate of your Logic Pro X project must be 44.1kHz--as the VS-20 only operates in this sample rate. To change a Logic project’s sample rate:
Select Recording in the menu bar and navigate to Record Settings.
Under the Recording tab, set the Sample Rate to 44.1kHz.
Control Surface Setup:
Close Logic Pro software.
Download the VS-20 Control Surface Plugin for Logic from the link below:
V-STUDIO 20 Control Suface Plugin for GarageBand & Logic -
Double-click the “VS20ControlSurfacePlugin.pkg” and install it as directed by the messages in the screen. The plug-in will be installed and the V-STUDIO 20 will automatically be setup as a control surface for Logic Pro.
You may view information regarding using the VS-20 with Logic Pro in the “Readme_E.pdf” document included with the Control Surface Plugin for GarageBand and Logic download.
Note: If you have any issues with the V-STUDIO 20 controlling Logic after following the automatic setup above, you may manually setup the V-STUDIO 20 as a control surface:
Manual Setup:
Select Logic Pro X in the menu bar.
Navigate to Preferences and then click on “Advanced Tools….”
Under “Additional Options”, place a checkmark next to “Control Surfaces” and then close the Preferences window.
Select Logic Pro X in the menu bar.
Navigate to Control Surfaces and then click on “Setup...” A Setup window will appear.
Right-click on any control surface image in the Control Surface Setup window and then select “Delete” so that there are no control surfaces present.
Click on “New” and then select “Install…” An Install window will appear.
Note: If prompted with the message “No new Devices found”, click on “Add Manually”. -
Select “Roland (Manufacturer) / VS-20 (Model) / VS-20 (Module) and then click “Add”.
In the Setup window, expand the Mackie Control section and assign both the Out Port and Input Port to “CONTROL”.
Note: If the Setup window does not appear, right-click on the Mackie mixer image and then select “Hide/Show Inspector” -
Close the Control Surface Install and Setup windows.