If the VS-700 Editor software within Sonar is unresponsive and does not control the parameters of the VS-700 hardware, create a new control surface using the following instructions:
In Sonar, click on Edit and then “Preferences…”
Under MIDI, click on “Devices”.
Select “CONSOLE (VS-700)” for both Inputs and Outputs so that there is a checkmark in each box. Be sure that “IO (VS-700)” is not selected and there is not a checkmark in either box.
Click Apply and then click on OK..
Under MIDI, click on “Control Surfaces”.
In the Controller/Surface section, click on any control surface so that it is highlighted and then click on the red X (“Delete Selected Controller/Surface”) button towards the top right to delete it.
Click on the yellow star (“Add new Controller/Surface”) button on the top right.
Make the following settings:
Controller/Surface: VS-700
Input Port: CONSOLE (VS-700)
Output Port: CONSOLE (VS-700) -
Click on OK in the Controller/Surface Settings window.
Click Apply in the Preferences windows and then click Close.