The following will troubleshoot the QUAD-CAPTURE in the event that the AUTO-SENS function is not responding properly.
Testing the microphone input:
- Connect the QUAD-CAPTURE to your computer and be sure that the USB light illuminates on the front panel of the interface. If the USB light does not appear, be sure that the driver has been installed for your operating system. You can download the driver here:
QUAD-CAPTURE DOWNLOADS - After the USB light illuminates on the front panel, connect the mic or instrument into input 1 or 2.
- If your microphone requires phantom power (48 volts), set the PHANTOM switch on the back panel to ON.
NOTE: Phantom power is only supplied to the XLR inputs and is not supplied to the 1/4" inputs. - Turn down the QUAD-CAPTURE's OUTPUT level completely counter-clockwise (off).
- Turn up the SENS 1L or SENS 2R knob completely clockwise (turned up all the way).
- Begin talking into the microphone or playing your instrument.
a. If you see level appear around the SENS 1L or SENS 2R knob, audio is being input correctly.
b. If you do not see level appear around the SENS 1L or SENS 2R knob, the QUAD-CAPTURE is not receiving an audio signal from the microphone. Try a different audio cable and/or a different microphone or instrument.
Setting up AUTO-SENS:
- Open the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel:
a. Click on the Windows icon (or Start) on the bottom left of the screen.
b. Open the “Control Panel” and double-click the [QUAD-CAPTURE] icon. If you don’t see the QUAD-CAPTURE icon, switch to Icon view (Windows 7) or Classic view (Windows Vista/Windows XP).
Mac OS X
a. Open the [Applications] folder, then double-click [QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel].
- From the “Device” menu, select [Device settings].
- From the items in “AUTO-SENS,” select “MANUAL.” The AUTO-SENS setting will not finish until you press the [AUTO-SENS] button again. We have found this "MANUAL" setting to have better results than the "AUTO" setting.
- Set the "AUTO-SENS Margin" to "-6."
- Close the QUAD-CAPTURE Control Panel.
Using the AUTO-SENS function:
- Press the AUTO-SENS button.
- Play or sing the loudest section of the song into the microphone.
- Press the AUTO-SENS button again to finish. The input sensitivity is automatically adjusted so it matches the input level.
NOTE: Do not adjust the SENS 1L or SENS 2R knobs when using the AUTO-SENS function. Adjusting these knobs while AUTO-SENS is lit will disable it.