It's possible to save a Phrase that you've created in the SPD-30 to an external USB memory drive. Doing this helps free up the SPD-30's internal memory to create more phrases, and is also handy in case you mistakenly delete a phrase or perform a factory reset. If that were to happen, you'd be able to load the phrase back into the SPD-30 from the USB memory.
Here's how to save a Phrase to a USB memory drive:
1. Insert the USB memory drive into the SPD-30's memory port.
2. Press MENU, and then turn the function 1 knob to highlight "LIST."
3. Press the function 3 button (ENTER).
4. Turn the function one knob to choose the phrase that you'd like to save.
5. Press function 3 (STANDBY).
6. Press the QUICK button.
7. Turn function 2 to choose "Save Phrase..".
8. Press function 3 (OK).
9. Press Function 1 (TO USB).
10. Turn function 1 to select the location that you want to save the phrase to (01-99).
11. Press function 3 (SAVE).