The following steps will guide you through viewing the current version of VS-2400CD's operating system:
Note: Due to the age of the product, we no longer offer support for updating the operating system. If you need assistance updating the VS-2400CD, you may contact a local service center to discuss their pricing:
- Power off the VS-2400CD.
- Press and hold the TRACK STATUS button and CH EDIT button above the fader for Channel 1.
- While holding these two button down, turn on the VS-2400CD and continue holding these buttons.
- After "Version Information" appears on the screen, you may release the buttons above the fader for Channel 1.
- The current system version will appear after "System" --> "Version".
- Press ENTER to boot up the VS-2400CD normally.
If the VS-2400CDis running at a version before 1.504, you may download and install the latest version here:
VS-2400CD Downloads
Note: Installation instructions are included with the download.