Pops, clicks and dropouts are often signs of a buffer size issue. There are generally two buffer settings within a computer audio system:
- The buffer setting in your audio interface (i.e. the VS-700) adjusts the INTERFACE's access to the computer's RAM (buffer).
- The buffer setting in your recording software (e.g. Sonar, Pro Tools, Logic, etc) adjusts the SOFTWARE's access to the computer's RAM.
These two buffer settings are independent of each other; however, each affect the performance of your computer audio system.
Be sure to check the Audio Buffer Size setting if there are noise issues and/or dropouts. Increase the buffer size until the problem goes away. The following procedure will guide you through these steps:
- Select "Control Panel" from Windows' Start menu.
- Double-click on the VS-700 or VS-700C icon to open the VS-700 Driver Settings.
- Increase the Audio Buffer Size and then click "Apply".
Mac OS X
- Click on the Apple icon on the top left of the screen.
- Select on "System Preferences".
- Towards the bottom of the System Preferences window, double-click on the VS-700 or VS-700C icon to open the VS-700 driver settings window.
- In the VS-700 driver settings window, increase the Audio Buffer Size towards Max and then click "Apply".
If the noise and/or dropouts continue, adjust the buffer setting within your software.
Note: As each manufacturer's software differs from version to version, please refer to the software's current manual or online help for the proper buffer size adjustment procedures.