The VM-C7200 and VM-C7100 are compatible with 2MB, 4MB, 8MB and 16MB Smart Media Cards. Most card manufacturers have ended production on these cards years ago. Looking online is usually the best place to find them (e.g. Google Shopping).
New SmartMedia cards need to be initialized on the VM system prior to using:
Card Initialize:
- While holding SHIFT, press PROJECT.
- Make sure that the group of icons containing MEMORY CARD is selected.
- Press F6 [MEMORY CARD].
- Press F2 [FORMAT].
- Press F5 [OK]. The VM-7000 will ask one more time if you’re really sure that you want to proceed with the initialization.
- If you’re sure you want to proceed, press F5 [OK] one more time.
- When formatting is complete, press F6 [EXIT].