The Phrase Lab has 200 preset and 20 user patterns. The preset patterns are in three groups: Lead, Bass and Rhythm. Youve got six control knobs located under the display with which you can tweak a preset's sounds. Use the following procedure to select a preset pattern:
1. Press the LEAD, BASS or RHYTHM button.
2. Press INC or DEC to select a pattern.
3. Press PLAY.
4. Turn a control knob to tweak the sound in realtime. Try the CUTOFF knob, for example.
5. Press STOP to stop playback.
6. Try out the control knobs with these patterns:
Preset - - - - - - User
LEAD-P02 - - - - CUTOFF and RESO
LEAD-P20 - - - - DECAY
LEAD-P28 - - - - ENV MOD
1. Press the LEAD, BASS or RHYTHM button.
2. Press INC or DEC to select a pattern.
3. Press PLAY.
4. Turn a control knob to tweak the sound in realtime. Try the CUTOFF knob, for example.
5. Press STOP to stop playback.
6. Try out the control knobs with these patterns:
Preset - - - - - - User
LEAD-P02 - - - - CUTOFF and RESO
LEAD-P20 - - - - DECAY
LEAD-P28 - - - - ENV MOD