Here are the core steps needed to start using your TR-8.
- Hold CLEAR and press a Pattern number to erase the pattern
- Press TR-REC mode for programming beats
- Select an INSTRUMENT and place it on the steps
- Repeat previous step many times
- The TEMPO knob can be adjusted to change the speed of your beat
- The SHUFFLE knob adjusts shuffle and swing feel in the timing
- Every pattern has an A part and B part, press A or B to navigate between the two
- You can choose between 16 different KITS
- Press KIT, and a pad to change the KIT
- Press INST, and desired instrument to change instrument by hitting a selection on the pads
- Tweak your instrument by using the knobs above. Every instrument has a TUNE and DECAY button.
- The SNARE and KICK both have a compressor
- Press the Reverb STEP button, and steps to sequence reverb
- Holding KIT in REVERB MODE will let you apply reverb to specific instruments
- Press INST when in REVERB MODE to choose reverb type.
- DELAY works the same way, and similarly has 8 modes to choose from
- Press INST when in DELAY MODE to choose delay type
- You are able to send audio into EXTERNAL IN
- LEVEL adjusts the volume of the input.
- EXTERNAL IN STEP mode lets you sequence your own sidechain signals
- Scatter chops up your beat
- Choose between 10 different scatter types
- Press DEPTH to intensify the scatter effect
- Press INST PLAY to play the TR-8 like an instrument
- Press INST REC to record in realtime
- Beats quantize automatically
- Press STEP 16 when in INST PLAY to go to MUTE MODE
- Use ROLLS in different combinations to get different results
- Hold TAP and press START/STOP to do an instant restart